Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Six Flags Moment

I had a grand time at Six Flags Over Texas with my siblings on Memorial Day. We rode rides that Rosemary and Dorcas loved(Crazy Legs, etc.). We rode rides that scared Rosemary and Dorcas. (They actually rode Tony Hawk and Batman) There were some rides that they didn't even see- they had their eyes closed the whole time (Batman). We rode rides that David loved. We rode rides that scared David. After one ride (Superman) he said, "Remind me never to ride that one again."
I was exhilarated (Batman, Flashback, etc.). I was dizzy (Tony Hawk). I was terrified(Texas Giant). I got a headache(Texas Giant). I had a great time. There were a few rides that none of my siblings would do with (Texas Giant, Flashback) me so I did them with Gen while they did other things. There was one ride (Superman) that my sister Ruth, who has a season pass, has never ridden but we rode it yesterday.
A lot of great things happened. But one of the things that left me breathless happened on Superman. Ruth, Dorcas, David and I rode. The seats are three across so we went two and two. On the side where David and I were a little girl took the third seat. As we were strapping in she struck up a conversation. She told me she really liked Superman. I asked if she screamed for this ride. "I never scream." And she didn't. But... well let me just tell you about it.
After a few moments of beautiful suspense we shot up about twenty stories. Exhilarating. Superman has three towers: red, blue, and yellow. Each tower has four sides with three seats per side. While we were suspended at the top waiting for the drop the little girl turned to me and calmly asked, "Why aren't they using the yellow tower today?" I said I didn't know.
Then we dropped. On the way down I heard the little voice beside me continuing the conversation. She said, "It's either the red and the blue, or the red and the yellow, but never all three." It sounded as if she was talking to me so I answered, "Maybe they don't have enough workers to operate all three towers at the same time."
"Yeah, they probably don't, but we wouldn't have to wait so long if they were all three going."
I agreed. "The lines were long today."
"Yes, they're almost always long..." At this point the ride was slowing down and soon we were on the ground again.
How many times does a ten year old have to ride that thing to be able to converse freely in the midst of a free fall? Superman is one of my favorite rides, but something about having a calm conversation in the midst of the free fall just leaves me a little breathless.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sound like a fun day... I tried not to be jealous that Gen and Ruth have season passes down there! Glad that you and your siblings got to go with them and enjoy it!
Sarah Altman